Summer in Iceland is a special time. It's the time of never ending days, nightly ridingtours and it's always fast to go by.
It started for me with my mare, Eldbrá frá Litla-Garði going for breeding evaluation. After the winter training she did well and I am the proud owner of a first price mare with 7,78 for building and 8,28 ridingabilities and 8,08 total. Now I'm looking forward to compete on her.
She is a daughter of Gangster frá Árgerði and Snerpa frá Árgerði (father: Víkingur frá Voðmúlastöðum)
Next to Eldbrá there where going 8 other horses for breeding evaluation with satisfying results.
After that we took all horses in, sorted them and while about 40 horses staied home for training all young horses went into the mountains to enjoy the summer freedom.

Some horses where brought out a bit later which was a nice ridingtour and at the same time a lesson for young horses to go as a handhorse.
Typically icelandic: use all options you have and make the best of it. If driving with a trailer is not an option just bind them on a secure horse and they learn to follow...

Training was going well and it got custom for us and the horses to go for a 7 km running tour, called a rekstúr in icelandic.
With that we build up condition and muscles. This is done with one riding or driving infront to control where the herd is going and turn the horses around and at least one person riding on horseback or driving by car or atv behind to let the horses go forward. Not to forget a good dog who is trained in herding horses that makes it even easier to keep the horses from stopping.
Next to training horses there are of course other things to be done. Fun to change the saddle for the tracktor seat and help making hey for next winter.
Now summer is going over to autum and my time in Litli-Garður is coming to an end. It was a great time I will never forget.
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